Serena Simmons Consultant Psychologist

Change. Motivate. Adapt. Improve. Perform

Where the road takes you…

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Every year about this time, when I have a break from academia over my blissful summer break, I have a little more time to reflect on my activities and to look a little more closely at where I feel I am heading.

Though last weeks post was very much about ‘firing and then aiming’, it is obvious that this kind of action would be really not very helpful when it came to achieving the bigger things we wish to achieve, like major life goals.

It’s at this time that I like to reflect on where I think I am heading.  Where is my current path taking me and what would I like to achieve.  I think that some of this way of thinking certainly comes from the prospect of ‘going back to school’ and all things new.  Shops are full of new notebooks and stationery (one of my very favourite things) and people are starting to think about beginning their new courses and starting a new leaf.  Time out of the rat-race also allows time for genuine reflectivity and space to breathe.

For me, as well as the start of the new term looming, I’m also thinking about new projects, how I can fit in more time to be creative, growing my business and how I can make a difference to more people.

I have some really exciting projects in the pipeline that I know will need navigating a little more if I really want to achieve them.  For a start I will need to schedule time in to make them happen.  I will need to persevere when the going gets tough, and the terrain rocky, and sometimes when I hit bits of the path where I don’t feel like I know where I am heading, I will need to employ the strategy of fire and then aim…knowing that in the process of doing and continuing to strive on, I will learn more, get stronger and encounter new things on the way that may help or inspire me.

I’d love to hear about the paths that you might be walking at the moment and where they might be taking you?

How do you alternate between planning your path ahead and knowing when to leap before you look to avoid procrastination?

Till next week!


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